Your great work at home
Look at the great work at home…
Well done Charley, Isla, Abby and Sophie.
Bobby has made his own treasure map based on the work he completed in his home learning booklet. Well done Bobby, I hope you found some treasure!
Aflie has been organising all of his cars and dinosaurs into size order, He has then used his cars to do some fantastic adding. Good job!
Nathan has drawn a fantastic lighthouse and used the word bank to help write his shape poem. We has even created a model of a lighthouse using Lego. Good job!
Look at the delicious cake Holly has baked at home. Another contender for the Bake Off!
James has been using David Walliams as inspiration for his picture this week, completing a scavenger hunt and working really hard on his handwriting. Good job James!

Florence has been getting learning about different food groups and has used the resources to make her own healthy meal. Looks delicious!
Daniel has been creating some fabulous art on rocks as part of his ‘Rock Stars’ work. I love the rainbow rock, such a powerful symbol at the moment.
Lucas has been working hard at home and enjoying his daily walk.
Bobby and Junior have both been working hard on maths work at home, good job!
Matilda has been using the stones she found as part of the ‘Rock Stars’ topic to help her with tens and ones. She has also made a scarecrow to hep keep the birds away from her newly planted seeds.
Maisie has been busy designing a birthday cake (and card) for the queen.
Duncan and Josh have worked hard to keep their eggs safe this Easter.
Lorna has been enjoying baking at home and has made this amazing rainbow cake! Next stop- The Great British Bake-Off! Well done !

Lee designed a delicious chocolate bar for our chocolate project. I think Willy Wonka would be interested in this one!
Ada created a wonderful 3D rainforest to complete our rainforest topic. Look closely, what animals did she include?
Levina has been working hard at home, fuelled by grapes to keep her going!
Liam has been working hard at home with his topic work and has been making pizzas too. They look like they’re going to be very tasty!
Scarlett has written down the recipe for cookies and then followed it to make them. She has also been working with her younger brother to make this delicious looking banana bread. Well done!
Michael has been working hard with his work and then having lots of fun making paper aeroplanes.