Collective Worship
Collective worship is an important part of our day as it is a time for reflection and for gathering together. We offer pupils, irrespective of age, gender, race or disability, the opportunity to gather together to hear words, watch drama, look at visual aids, experience prayer and quiet reflection time which may lead them to take the threshold of worship. Our worship is appropriate to the ages and background of the pupils.
Collective worship at St. George’s is based on the Christian year. Festivals from other religions are also discussed to give the children a broad and balanced view of world religions. We also use a termly list of themes, based on home/school values such as:
- Peace
- Courage
- Friendship
- Trust
- Thankfulness
- Responsibility
Parents are kept informed of our term’s home / school value through activity sheets which are sent out at the beginning of each term. These sheets are available by clicking on the links below.
Collective Worship Times
We take part in collective worship each school day.
Monday – 1.15-1.35 -Whole school worship in the whole -led by staff
Tuesday – 2.45-3.10 – led by a minister or church member or Open the Book worship.
Wednesday – in-class worship – at a time to suit the class.
Thursday – in class Picture News worship – at a time to suit the class.
Friday – 2.50 – 3.10 – Celebration worship – led by staff.
Each Thursday a member of staff leads the worship using Picture News. Picture news is a resource that brings a current news story to the attention of the children through pictures, discussions and thought provoking questions.
Every week there is a British value linked to the learning that takes place around the story.
Harvest Festival 2023