Year 5/6
Year 5/6 Mrs Redfearn’s class
Welcome to the Year 5 & 6 Class page
Hello, and welcome to the year 5/6 class page. Here is the information that applies all year round:
- Children need to be lined up ready to go into class for 8:45am. We line up nearest to the entrance.
- School starts at 8:45am, and class activities will be starting then
- Swimming starts Monday 16th September 2024
- PE is on Wednesday afternoons, so children should be in their PE clothes that day
- When swimming ISN'T ON our pe session will be Thursday afternoons, so children will need their PE kit on then
- Homework will be given out on a Monday. Children will receive maths and spelling homework. Completed homework is due in the following Monday. Spelling tests will be on a Monday.
- Homework club will be available on Monday, Tuesday and Thursday play times. It will be supervised by Ms Redfearn
Thank you for your continued support in getting your child in on time for school. Our school day starts at 8:45am, so children need to be here for 8:40am please. This is important for all children, but even more so for our year 6 children, so that they can ensure that they are well-practiced for getting to secondary school on time.
Long term plan 2024 2025
Pictures from Torr Vale Mill
Children can use their login information for Times Tables Rock Stars and Spelling Shed.
These apps are the main source for our homework but other homework will be given as we progress through the year in order to prepare children for the next stage in their education. The TT Rock Stars and Spelling Shed homework is set every week and is vitally important for your child’s continuing development in school. We see this partnership between school work and home work as the key to their success.
The children are developing their skills in English and Maths; enabling them to progress well in their work, either independently or as part of a team.