Year 3/4
Welcome to the Spring Term in Y3/4.
Stay posted for our Spring newsletter.
Year 3/4 Mrs. Hall and Mrs. Calvert's class
Welcome to the Year 3/4 class page!
Here you will find links to our class newsletters, homework and information about learning in Year 3/4. Please look at the latest newsletter, knowledge organisers and photos to see details about things that are taking place this term.
In school each day your child will need a water bottle and their reading books. Your child may bring a healthy snack for playtime if you wish. We suggest fruit as that is what they are used to having in Key Stage 1. They do not need a pencil case as we provide all the materials they need in class.
P.E. is each Wednesday and Thursday. Please can all students come to school in their school uniform P.E. kits on this day.
During mental health awareness day we had a fabulous discussion about what helps us to feel calm and confident in school. As a result of feedback from the students we now have playtime on Tuesdays in the woodland area. Please send your child to school on Tuesdays with spare wellies or boots and a waterproof coat so they are prepared for the weather and muddy ground.
Spelling homework comes home each Friday and is due back in school before the following Friday. Reading is an ongoing homework. Please aim to read with your child at least 4 times each week. Times tables homework will be sent to follow-up class learning. Please see the links on this page for times tables games.
Please do not hesitate in coming to talk about your child with us in school. Children flourish when communication is strong and you are always welcome.
Our work email addresses are:
School phone: 01663 743222
In Year 3/4 we read every day individually and as a year group. This half term we are reading various short stories. At the end of each day we relax and enjoy story time before we go home. During this time we are also currently sharing poetry and non-fiction books about geography and extreme Earth events. We also have a weekly session in our wonderful school library where we choose books to read for pleasure. Your child will regularly read individually with an adult also. Please help them to remember to bring their book to school each day and sign their diary when they have read at home. They receive a class dojo for remembering their book and diary and an extra class dojo each time you sign the diary. We celebrate the books they are reading by discussing them in Book Wars and the children are really enjoying writing book reviews to share. Sometimes your child will come home with the class book review book. Please help them create a book review about one of their favourite reads, from home or school, and they can share it with the class.
For Christmas last year, the class were given a sponsorship of a polar bear with the WWF, and the the class bear may come to stay for a night. Please support your child by reading the book about bears that comes with him and fill in the diary scrapbook. This year we are sponsoring otters so stay posted for more animal news!
20 is Plenty- the Benefits of Daily Reading
Each week we are learning 3 new words from our English work. These are displayed on our wall and we learn actions for them and play around with them in new sentences and word games. They are our 'Wonderful Words of the Week'.
Check-in Charts
Our classroom routine is supported by our emotions chart on which the children share and show their emotions. All emotions are valid and natural and we discuss how to manage our feelings and regulate them if necessary. We have been discussing our emotions and what to do if we need help with them. This helps all the pupils to feel supported and ready to learn in class. We have a 'message monster' in which the students can write and share important feelings.
The children have a login for Spelling Shed. Here they can challenge themselves and practice their weekly spelling homework task.
Safer Internet Day 2024 6/2/24
We enjoyed many activities discussing safe internet use in school. Please click below for some top tips for parents and carers.
Top Tips for parents and carers - UK Safer Internet Centre